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Notice: COVID-19

We realize this is a difficult time for us all. Businesses, communities, and families are all coping with the unknowns surrounding the COVID-19 virus. Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila LLP is continually assessing this unprecedented situation and remaining flexible in the face of uncertainty. Rest assured our priorities are continuing to provide exceptional client service, while ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of our personnel and their families as well as that of our clients and friends. Consistent with federal, state, and local governments and public health leaders, we continue to do everything we can to be safe. Our emergency preparedness plans are in place. Given the many school, public gathering, sports, and entertainment closures, and directives across the country to “shelter in place” or “self-quarantine,” we have invited all of our personnel to work remotely. We have not missed a beat caring for ourselves, our families, our friends, or our clients. We will continue to be nimble as we assist you with matters large and small. We will continue to earn your trust. We will continue to be dedicated to the goal. Together we will get through this crisis and rise stronger and better than before. Until then, stay healthy and optimistic.

Your Friends at RSHC